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 Sukiyaki udona        

Sukiyaki Udon

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Sukiyaki udon

Sukiyaki udon is essentially sukiyaki added with udon.


Materials for 2 servings

0.3 pound beef, thinly sliced

1 teaspoon salad oil

4 scallions, cut into 2 inch long

0.5 cup diced tofu

1 tablespoon sugar

3 tablespoon soy sauce

Frozen boiled noodle for 2 servings



·         Boil the frozen boiled noodle for 5 minutes after the frozen noodle block softens.

·         In a skillet, add salad oil and beef. Heat at medium high. Add sugar and soy sauce. When beef started changing color, add scallions and tofu. Continue cooking while turning over the ingredients. When meats and other ingredients are well cooked, add noodles.  See photos below.